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Can a 17 Year Old Sign a Contract in Australia

4 September 2022 No Comment

In Australia, the legal age of majority is 18 years old. This means that individuals under the age of 18 are considered minors and may have limitations on their ability to enter into contracts.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. In certain circumstances, minors may be able to enter into contracts with the permission of their parents or legal guardians.

For example, under the Family Law Act 1975, a minor who is married or in a de facto relationship may be able to enter into contracts related to that relationship. Additionally, minors who have been emancipated by a court order may also have the ability to enter into contracts on their own.

In some cases, minors may also be able to enter into contracts for necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. However, these contracts must be reasonable and necessary for the minor`s well-being, and the minor must have the ability to understand the terms of the contract.

It`s important to note that even if a minor can legally enter into a contract, they may still face limitations. For example, they may not have the ability to obtain loans or credit on their own, or they may have restrictions on their ability to work certain jobs.

Overall, while minors may be able to enter into contracts in certain circumstances with the permission of their parents or legal guardians, it`s important to consider the potential limitations and seek legal advice if needed.


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